Full Face Shields Vs Face Masks

Nowadays, stepping out of the house is just like battling a field of war; you have to protect your body from the battle. You need that face-covering that will secure you against the deadly disease, mostly when social distancing can’t be practiced. 

Every day you will come to know about the latest research relating to coronavirus and the various methods to stop society’s spread. So, how do face masks or shields help to cease the spread of coronavirus? Is the face shield as effective as the mask? Let’s take a closer look at these questions to provide you with the necessary solution you need to stay safe and more poised while you go out. 

1. The Need For Face Shelter:

Nobody is defenseless when it comes to COVID-19. Cloth face is one of the most powerful ways to slow and stop the spread of the virus: mainly when used globally within a community setting. Plus, there’s also proof that a cloth face supports people in public gatherings and those who don’t live in the same household. 

2. The New Normal: Face Shield Vs Cloth Mask!

The face shield is a type of personal protective equipment that is made of plastic and is most commonly worn by healthcare workers with their face masks. So, if you are wondering if the face shields offer the same type of protection as a face mask, and while it may give added protection when worn with a mask, it shouldn’t be considered as an alternative to a mask. 

If you are maintaining social distance and standing 6 feet away from people, then a face shield isn’t a need for you. However, if you cough, the face shield will not contain any respiratory droplets as a mask would.  

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A face shield may seem like a good option, especially in hotter months, howbeit the plastic shield is open below your chin, leaving an entry or exit for respiratory germs. This means that protection is not an acceptable choice for a face mask. A face or eye shield in inclusion to face-covering may give extra protection by decreasing the likelihood of droplets making contact with your eyes. 

3.The Case of Face Shield:

On the other hand, the face shields completely cover the face from the head to the chin. As a result, it protects you from touching your own face, which isn’t possible with the face mask. Plus, it was found that the face shield decreased the inhalation exposure of the worker by 96 % within 18 inches of a cough. It is also far more convenient to be worn when compared to face masks, which may be uncomfortable to wear for a longer time. 

4. What you should opt for: Face Masks/ Face Shield?

Following the rules to stay safe, many people are opting for face masks as well as face-covers. Even though face masks were seen as the to-go option for everyone, today, people are also opting to wear face shields. As for the face shield, they actually are made of a transparent plastic sheet that secures your whole face instead of just the mouth and nose. 

5. Who shouldn’t be wearing Face Cover?

Mainly, you should wear masks or masks with shield, when you go out. But, the face-covering should not be worn by:

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  • Anyone who is unconscious or who is unable to remove the mask without assistance. 
  • Anyone who has trouble breathing.
  • Children younger than 2

 Summing things up,

Moreover, the face shields can also be reused by cleaning them effectively with water and soap or disinfectants. It may prove to be inexpensive for a lot of people.  They allow others to see their expressions or read their lips, paving for better communication without the need to take off the shield.

If you are looking for Face Shield Suppliers in the USA, you can get in touch with Safety Lab Supplies. We provide the premium quality Safety Equipment Supplier in USA & Canada. So don’t forget to reach out whenever you require a Face cover.

Published by Safety Lab Supplies

Safety Lab Supplies is the most trusted Medical & General Safety Equipment Supplier In USA & Canada. We have a wide range of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at affordable rates. SALE up to 30% off + FREE 1 to 2 days Express shipping within USA & Canada.

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